

Equitable Divorce Solutions, LLC
Profession: Financial Professional
Non-Adversarial Divorce Services: Mediation|Collaborative Divorce
Collaborative Practice Group: Divorce Solutions of CT (DSC)|Collaborative Divorce Professionals of Fairfield County (CDPFC)|Collaborative Divorce Professionals (CDP)

<p>Lisa Gresham is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst ("CDFA") and founder of Equitable Divorce Solutions, LLC. Lisa has over 30 years of financial and investment experience. Since 2003, she has focused her practice solely on the complex financial issues specific to divorce. Blending professional knowledge with personal experience, Lisa works to aid in the design of settlement options that will help her clients disentangle their finances and move forward with independence and stability after divorce. Lisa is a Mediator and Collaborative Divorce Financial Professional. She is a member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, American Bar Association – Section of Family Law, Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts, Collaborative Divorce Professionals of Fairfield County (CDPFC), Collaborative Divorce Professionals (CDP), and Divorce Solutions of Connecticut (DSC). She is also the Past-Treasurer for the Connecticut Council for Non-Adversarial Divorce. Lisa is one of the four founding partners of the CT Family Mediation Training Group™, an organization providing divorce mediation training for attorneys, financial and mental health professionals. She is also teaches public educational seminars on the financial aspects of divorce and participates as a trainer in the Collaborative Divorce training sponsored by CCND. In 2018, Lisa was presented with the CCND Distinguished Service Award in recognition of her outstanding service and commitment to the organization and promotion of non-adversarial divorce.</p>


<p>15 Meigs Avenue, Suite 203, Madison, CT, USA</p>

Secondary Address:

<p>Westport, CT, USA</p>