Membership Application Form

Please use the following form to apply for or renew membership to CCND. Please note that all membership applications are subject to review. After submitting the form, you will be taken to the Purchase Options page to pay for your membership application.

Member Application Form v20240725

Your Information

Please indicate the membership level you are applying for
Application Type
Is all your member and contact information unchanged?

Member information

Office Address
Office Address
Are you a member of one or more collaborative practice group(s)?
If you are applying for Whole Group membership, you must check "yes".

Student Information

Collaborative Practice Group

Collaborative Practice Group Information

New Applicant Information

Please affirm that you meet the CCND  membership criteria for Collaborative Professionals and/or Mediators by checking the appropriate box(es) below. The criteria are  found here, on the CCND website.

I confirm that I have reviewed the membership criteria and that I meet the qualifications for the membership I am applying for.
Check each that applies.
I confirm that I will adhere to the CCND Standards as set forth in the Membership Criteria as Adopted December 6, 2023.
Please Indicate Trainings Completed (Select all that apply)
Please list dates of training and names of trainer(s).
Please list dates of training and names of trainer(s).